Net 0.3.3-beta41
Released under the MIT License
A clojure netty companion.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[spootnik/net "0.3.3-beta41"]
Base64 encoding and decoding
Simple wrapper for basic j.u.concurrent tasks (or future alternatives)
Public variables and functions:
Functions common to HTTP clients and servers
Small wrapper around netty for HTTP servers. The objective here is to be mostly compatible with the vast number of available clojure HTTP server implementations.
Functions for simple creation of TCP servers and clients
A buffer aggregator, when a number of smaller ByteBuf instances need to be aggregated over a larger CompositeByteBuf instance.
Public variables and functions:
A generic splitting transducer for collections of ByteBuf instances To help the splitting process, and to allow other types of splitting to occur, two protocols are provided.
Public variables and functions:
A clojure facade to build netty bootstraps. In netty, bootstraps are helpers to get channels.
Public variables and functions:
- ->channel-option
- bind!
- bootstrap
- channel-options
- connect!
- epoll-datagram-channel
- epoll-event-loop-group
- epoll-server-socket-channel
- epoll-socket-channel
- local-address!
- nio-datagram-channel
- nio-event-loop-group
- nio-server-socket-channel
- nio-socket-channel
- remote-address!
- server-bootstrap
- set-child-handler!
- set-group!
- shutdown-fn
- shutdown-gracefully!
- validate!
- write-buffer-water-mark
Utility functions to build fixed size buffers. These functions hold onto data and yield when a specific size has been reached.
Public variables and functions:
- augment-composite
- buffer
- buffer?
- Bufferizable
- byte-length
- capacity
- component
- component-count
- component-iterator
- components
- composite
- composite-of
- composite?
- consolidate
- copy
- direct-buffer
- duplicate
- empty-buffer
- empty-buffer?
- ensure-released
- exhausted?
- index-of
- is-direct?
- mark-reader-index
- merge-bufs
- nio-buffer
- read-byte
- read-bytes
- read-char
- read-digest
- read-int
- read-long
- read-retained-slice
- read-short
- read-slice
- read-ubyte
- read-uint
- read-ulong
- read-ushort
- readable-bytes
- reader-index
- refcount
- refcounts
- release
- release-all
- reset-reader-index
- retain
- retain-all
- retain-augment
- retain-last
- retained-slice
- ro-view
- skip-bytes
- slice
- sliced-string
- to-bytes
- to-string
- touch
- unwrap
- wrapped-bytes
- wrapped-string
- write-and-skip-bytes
- write-byte-range
- write-bytes
- write-string
- write-uint
- write-ulong
- write-ushort
- writer-index
- wrong-byte-arg
Handy functions to deal with netty channels
Public variables and functions:
- active?
- add-to-group
- alloc!
- await!
- channel
- channel-group
- channel?
- ChannelBridge
- ChannelHolder
- ChannelResource
- close-future
- compare-and-set-attr!
- config
- get-and-remove-attr!
- get-and-set-attr!
- get-attr
- get-attr-key
- get-attr-value
- open?
- pipeline
- read!
- read-channel
- remove-attr!
- remove-from-group
- set-attr!
- set-attr-if-absent!
- set-autoread!
- sync!
- sync-uninterruptibly!
- taker-fn
Our beloved JVM does not implement unsigned types. Some protocols rely heavily on unsigned types, and we thus need to have ways of parsing those
Public variables and functions:
Utilities to build and work with Netty pipelines
Public variables and functions:
- *channel*
- ->byte-order
- add-last
- build-pipeline
- channel-initializer
- ChannelActive
- ChannelInactive
- ChannelReadComplete
- ChannelRegistered
- ChannelUnregistered
- ChannelWritabilityChanged
- charset->charset-util
- defdecoder
- defencoder
- ExceptionCaught
- flush!
- HandlerAdapter
- IsSharable
- length-field-based-frame-decoder
- length-field-prepender
- line-based-frame-decoder
- line-frame-encoder
- make-handler-adapter
- read-timeout-handler
- string-decoder
- string-encoder
- supported-signatures
- unit->time-unit
- UserEventTriggered
- with-input
- write!
- write-and-flush!