
Small extensions and improvements on top of core.async

Some bits shamelessly stolen from @mpenet’s jet, See for original


(backpressure-handling-fn status backpressure! close!)


(close-draining chan f)


(drain chan f)(drain chan)


(put! ch msg backpressure! close!)(put! ch msg backpressure!)

Takes a ch, a msg, a single arg function that when passed true enables backpressure and when passed false disables it, and a no-arg function which, when invoked, closes the upstream source.


(timeout-pipe max-wait from to close?)(timeout-pipe tmval from to)

A variation on clojure.core.async/pipe which will close if no input is submitted within a given interval.


(validating-chan spec buf-or-n error-value always-assert?)(validating-chan spec buf-or-n error-value)(validating-chan spec buf-or-n)

A chan which ensures that values produced to it match a given spec. Failing to match the spec will produce error-value on the channel.

When error-value is a function, call it with no args to produce the error value, or produce error-value itself.

When always-assert? is provided, force asserts, regardless of the value of *clojure.core/compile-asserts*, otherwise, and by default honor the value.

The 1-arity version produces nil on the chan in case of errors.


(validating-fn spec always-assert?)

Yield correct predicate based on assertion preference.


(validating-promise-chan spec error-value always-assert?)(validating-promise-chan spec error-value)(validating-promise-chan spec)

A promise chan which ensures that values produced to it match a given spec. Failing to match the spec will produce error-value on the channel.

When error-value is a function, call it with no args to produce the error value, or produce error-value itself.

When always-assert? is provided, force asserts, regardless of the value of *clojure.core/compile-asserts*, otherwise, and by default honor the value.

The 1-arity version produces nil on the chan in case of errors.