TLS support
Build network services often entails dealing with transport authentication, authorization and security.
TLS provides the latter although it is notoriously complex to set-up on the JVM. Thankfully, Netty abstracts most of the complexity away. Net adds a bit of syntactic sugar on top of it and provides facilities to ease certificate serialization.
We will look at how to add a TLS step to our echo server pipeline.
We only need an additional dependency when creating our namespace:
(ns server.tls-echo
(:require [ :as channel]
[net.ty.pipeline :as pipeline]
[net.ssl :as ssl]
[net.tcp :as tcp]))
We now need to build an SSL Context for Netty to use:
(defn build-ssl-context
(let [root-dir (System/getenv "ECHO_CERT_DIR")]
{:pkey (str root-dir "/echo.pkey.p8")
:cert (str root-dir "/echo.cert.pem")})))
In the above, we create an SSL Context for a given private key and certificate. Certificates may be given inline or point to files. By default, this is inferred from the size of inputs, but can be controlled with the :storage
key of the argument map.
As is standard on the JVM, private keys need to be provide in the PKCS8 format, not in PEM format as is more commonly the case.
Additional behavior may be forced on the SSL Context such as forced client certificate authentication. For a full description see the documentation for ssl/server-context
The rest of the pipeline code is almost unchanged:
(defn pipeline
[(ssl/handler-fn ssl-ctx)
(pipeline/with-input [ctx msg]
(channel/write-and-flush! ctx msg))]))
We can now bridge the two functions when starting up our server:
(defn -main [& _]
(tcp/server {:handler (pipeline (build-ssl-context))} "localhost" 1337))
You may run this TLS server with env ECHO_CERT_DIR=/path/to/certs
lein run -m server.tls-echo
within the net project. To try it out, you can use openssl s_client -connect localhost:1337